great ape 類人猿(靈長目猩猩科和長臂猿科動物的總稱,指長臂猿、猩猩...
類人猿(靈長目猩猩科和長臂猿科動物的總稱,指長臂猿、猩猩、黑猩猩及大猩猩等而言)。 “great“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.大的,巨大的。 2.很多的;充足的,十足的 ...“ape“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.猿;無尾猿,短尾猿,類人猿。 2.學樣的人。 ...“ape“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.猿;無尾猿,短尾猿,類人猿。 2.學樣的人。 3.失去自制,狂熱。 play the ape 模仿,學樣。 say an ape's paternoster (嚇得,冷得)牙齒打戰。 go ape 失去自制,變狂熱。 go ape over [for] 〔美口〕熱衷于,迷住,愛上。 vt. 仿效。 ape it 仿效。 “ape 195m“ 中文翻譯: 命運的深淵“ape 198m“ 中文翻譯: 民歌專輯 留聲“ape 272mb“ 中文翻譯: 酒紅色的心“ape 320k“ 中文翻譯: 寂寞在唱歌“ape and essence“ 中文翻譯: 猿與本質“ape diet“ 中文翻譯: 人猿瘦身法“ape ear“ 中文翻譯: 猿耳,模仿耳,猿,類人猿“ape fissure“ 中文翻譯: 猿裂“ape fissures“ 中文翻譯: 猿裂“ape form“ 中文翻譯: 猿形“ape hand“ 中文翻譯: 猿手“ape hanger“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕(自行車的)高把手;(電車等的)高扶手。 “ape hill“ 中文翻譯: 柴山; 打狗山; 打鼓山“ape man“ 中文翻譯: 猿人。 “ape-hand“ 中文翻譯: 猿樣手“barbary ape“ 中文翻譯: 叟猴(無尾獼猴)“black ape“ 中文翻譯: 黑猴“cyborg-ape“ 中文翻譯: 半機械猩猩== 總覺得這只有抄襲機械金剛的嫌疑“go ape“ 中文翻譯: 發瘋, 變得狂熱“hairy ape“ 中文翻譯: 退化的人“kird ape“ 中文翻譯: 柯德猿猴“lp-ape“ 中文翻譯: 馬正棠
great auk |
All great ape species risk extinction , either in the immediate future or at best within 50 years , because of the growing destruction of forests , poaching , the live - animal trade and the encroachment of humans on their habitat , the conference organizers said 會議的組織者們說,由于森林被不斷地破壞,以及偷獵、買賣活體動物和人類對其棲息地的侵犯,整個大型類人猿的種群都有滅絕的危險,有的就近在眼前? ? ?最長在50年內也會滅絕。 |
Researchers say that new , ten million - year - old fossils found in ethiopia prove that the theory that humans may have evolved from a species of great apes eight million years ago , may not be true , but that humans may have split from apes as long as 10 . 5 million years ago 研究人員宣布在衣索比亞新發現具有一千萬年歷史的化石推翻了人類是從八百萬年前大猩猩的一支演化而來的說法,而可能是一千零五十萬年前從猿類分化而來。 |
All great ape species risk extinction , either in the immediate future or at best within 50 years , because of the growing destruction of forests , poaching , the live - animal trade and the encroachment of humans on their habitat , the conference organizers said 會議的組織者們說,由于森林被不斷地破壞,以及偷獵買賣活體動物和人類對其棲息地的侵犯,整個大型類人猿的種群都有滅絕的危險,有的就近在眼前最長在50年內也會滅絕。 |
Even if each episode changed the inborn predilections of the hominids by only a small amount , the hundreds of repetitions of this scenario may explain some of the differences between human abilities and those of our closest relatives among the great apes 即使每一次事件對人猿類的天生傾向,只造成極小的改變,但事件重復數百次后,就足以解釋人類和關系最近的大型猿類之間的能力差異。 |
Nouabal ? - ndoki national park , in the republic of congo , is 4 , 200 square kilometres of virgin tropical forest that is as densely populated with elephants and great apes as it is sparsely populated with rangers 剛果共和國的諾娃貝爾多基( nouabal ? - ndoki )國家公園是一個有著4200平方公里的原始熱帶森林,那里密集地居住著象群與大猩猩和稀疏的一些叢林護衛軍。 |
The most recent common ancestors between humans and all the other great apes date back to about 15 million years ago , suggesting this common preference has been part of our brain structures since at least then 可證明的人類和猿類擁有共同祖先的最近時間是1500萬年前,也就是說至少從那個時候起,人類和猿類就擁有同樣的記憶方法。 |
Elephants can recognize themselves in mirrors , according to a new study . humans , great apes , and dolphins are the only other animals known to possess this form of self - awareness 一項新的研究表明,大象可以認出鏡子中的自己。人類,大型猿類和海豚是具有這類自我意識的僅有的三種動物。 |
The human brain is about as big as the genes can make it ? three times bigger , relative to body weight , than the brains of our closest relatives , the great apes 人的腦子是基因所能制造的最大腦子以腦量占體重的比例來說,人腦是大猿(人在自然界最親近的親戚)腦子的三倍大。 |
Our nearest primate relatives , the african great apes ( chimpanzees , bonobos and gorillas ) showed precisely the opposite pattern of gaze following 非洲大猿(黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩)是與我們親緣關系最近的靈長類動物,它們恰好遵循同我們完全相反的視覺追蹤機制。 |
Our nearest primate relatives , the african great apes ( chimpanzees , bonobos and gorillas ) showed precisely the opposite pattern of gaze following 與我們親緣關系最近的靈長類,非洲大猿(黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩) ,恰好遵循同我們完全相反的視覺追蹤機制。 |
Mirror neurons may also be involved in imitation , an ability that appears to exist in rudimentary form in the great apes but is most pronounced in humans 鏡像神經元也可能參與模仿,大猿似乎具有最基本的模仿能力,而人類的則顯著多了。 |
One way of looking at these questions is to compare people with their closest relatives , great apes such as chimpanzees 一個觀察這些問題的方法就是將人類和他們的近親非洲大猩猩進行一個比較。 |
Zoologists also make a distinction between great apes ( including gorillas and chimpanzees ) and lesser apes 動物學家又把猿分為大猿(包括大猩猩和黑猩猩)和小猿。 |
But research into our close relatives , the great apes , is surely likely to be illuminating 不過,研究我們的近親,也就是大猿,想來一定能提供有用的線索。 |
When human infants are a year old , they favor place - based strategies like all the other great ape species do 一歲左右的小孩和猿類一樣選擇空間記憶法。 |
When human infants are a year old , they favorplace - basedstrategies like all the other great ape species do 一歲左右的小孩和猿類一樣選擇空間記憶法。 |
Earlier studies had shown that great ape culture had been in existence for up to seven - million years 早期的研究表明,大猿猴文化已經存在了700萬年。 |